No Life/damage contour output in Hyperlife

Hi Mayur,
Please help me with a few more details,
1. Are you referring to Strain-life tutorial with the Hook model?
2. The results are not contouring after you click on 'View Current Results'?
3. The stress combination that was assigned?
Thank You,
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Hi Nandan,
I tried both Stress-life and strain-life method.
yes ,results not contouring after I click on 'view current results'.
tried with max. principal, abs.max principal, von mises stress combination.
Thank You,
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Hi Mayur,
Most of settings in each tutorial are tuned specifically for the models used.
Would it be possible to share a small recording of the setup?
For the Uniaxial Strain life tutorial with Hook Model
if your using the attached csv's as load histories and stress combination as Signed Vonmises, with the default user defined material.
you should be seeing the fatigue results, if the results are written to the working directory.
Please hint us if the run made is written to the working directory : C:\Users\<userid>\Documents\Fatigue\RunHistory
with files such as *.hlf and *.hwascii
Further, whats the version of HyperWorks?
Thanks and Regards,
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Hi Nandan,
I have tried to solve my live project results for life prediction. I am facing same issue.
Hyperworks version 2019.1
Yes, the run made is within working directory.
Is there any specific altair tokens required to submit the hyperlife deck and solve?
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I am able to see three files in working directory.
which one is output file or run is not completed?
Is there any message file which shows any error in deck setup or missing entries?
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Is there any specific Altair tokens required to submit the hyperlife deck and solve? >> No.
*.hwascii file is the result file, you can also load the *.h3d used for calculation and the *.hwascii from the fatigue output in HyperView to check if you see the fatigue contour.
in HyperView load as,
load model : hook.h3d
load result : Ftg_SN_Run.hwascii
and then look for the fatigue subcase in result browser.
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Its strange.
Same issue.
Legend with N/A as earlier and life /damage contour.
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Hi Mayur,
Please write to, where we can assist you further.
It would be helpful if you could also send us the recording of the tutorial model,
where you see no results.
Nandan0 -
Hi Nandan,
Thanks for support.
Really appreciate.