I am getting the following error while I am running Acusolve job

I am getting the following error while runing Acusolve job. I checked the element for quality and boundary conditions. PLease check and help.
I am using Hypermesh Interface to set up the model. I guess there is some problem with Radiation.
This is the thertmal analysis of the Head Lamp .
Naveen. A
I believe there might be issue in your radiation boundary conditions. Please refer this if you haven't.
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The Log file indicates the particular mesh file for that surface is not found - so had probably not been written/exported properly.
We would highly recommend moving to SimLab or HyperWorks CFD for your CFD models setup, as the 'classic' HyperMesh interface for AcuSolve has not been updated in some time, in favor of the newer tools.
This the main Heat Transfer tutorials page - most of which are covered by both SimLab and HyperWorks CFD. (You'll see there the tutorial also mentioned by Jagan.)