Plot ply stress over thickness of a cross-section

I would like to plot composite ply stresses over thickness of a composite cross-section. The result should look similar to the picture:
My idea is to plot for example the xx stress as a Contour plot and then use the measure tool to create a curve by plotting it as a single curve with x-axis as Distance. By this methode I can't really achieve my aim and get this result:
Do you have any recommendations how to achieve the goal? Are there any TCL scripts for this?
My Laminate is modeled with several layers of PCOMPLS.
Thanks for your help,
what you are looking for is a results on stack, thus, retrieving stress value per each ply and then plot them in form of curve/bar.
The sequence of layers provided in HV from results reader is an increasing one regardless of their original stacking sequence, thus, is the stack is in line with results you can pile up the results from your composite results, otherwise you need to rearrange the information coming from the sequence in the model file.
(this is valid for all layer based results, either using PCOMPG or PCOMPLS or PCOMPP in OptiStruct).
We do not have a straight solution for this, but currently working on to accomplish such use case in the most streamlined way.
Is you laminate foreseeing one property per layer?
Can you share more info?
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Hi Michele,
Thanks for your swift reply.The ply IDs correspond with the stacking sequence, so I shouldn't have a problem there. But it is not clear to me how this helps.
Regarding the Model:
It's a composite pressure vessel. Each winding layer has one element in thickness and one PCOMPLS Property as shown in the picture( colours display properties). The winding layers consist of two layers for + and - winding angle.
The problem is, that in the dome region of the pressure vessel I have bending, which leads to different stresses on the top and bottom of each layer which I want to show in the diagramm.If you need the model I might be able to share parts of it.
Felix0 -
Felix Lentz_21924 said:
Hi Michele,
Thanks for your swift reply.The ply IDs correspond with the stacking sequence, so I shouldn't have a problem there. But it is not clear to me how this helps.
Regarding the Model:
It's a composite pressure vessel. Each winding layer has one element in thickness and one PCOMPLS Property as shown in the picture( colours display properties). The winding layers consist of two layers for + and - winding angle.
The problem is, that in the dome region of the pressure vessel I have bending, which leads to different stresses on the top and bottom of each layer which I want to show in the diagramm.If you need the model I might be able to share parts of it.
FelixHey Felix,
sure, please, share both deck and results parts if you can and I will try having a look.
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Hi Michele,
I send you the model and the results via E-Mail.
Felix0 -
Felix Lentz_21924 said:
Hi Michele,
I send you the model and the results via E-Mail.
FelixHi Felix,
thanks for having shared the data.
I will try to review them as soon as I can and get back to you.
Best regards
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I have already replied to you separately with a video using your data, but here, as well for the others, I am posting that the Linearize Tool in HV has from 2021 the option to basically extract and display the data along a path and it seems to me perfectly tailored to your use case (especially considering volume elements)
Hope this will help you further.
Best regards