Wired deformation after I applied a force/moment on a rigid body Optistruct

Xiangyun Bu
Xiangyun Bu Altair Community Member
edited July 8 in Community Q&A


I want to bend the object and find the correlation between the applied force and the bending angle. I have a linear static load step on an object made of three parts: an hourglass-shaped elastic part connecting two rigid cylinders. The bottom surface was fixed (constrained in 6 DoF). I applied a force downwards, in the negative x direction. The simulation initially looked normal (1st pic). However, after scaling the force/displacement by 10 times, not unreasonably high ~2N, the top rigid part deformed in a strange way (2nd pic). I have made the top cylinder rigid using rigids/RBE2 function. This issue also occurs when applying a moment. Does anyone know why this happens? I aim to increase the force on the object without being constrained to the 'elastic range'. TIA




  • Adriano A. Koga
    Adriano A. Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited July 8

    if i understood correctly, you're compressing the hourglass, right?

    Non symmetric results might be related to mesh being non uniform, and this might be causing this effect.