ERROR # 6409: The RecurDyn library returned with an error

I hava a quite large FE model of a gearbox containing several compontents that are connected via freeze contacts and bolts and rigids. My goal is to genarate a reduced order model for RecurDyn. Hence, I modelled it in HyperMesh with a CMS Mode Analysis Case with the Parameter RFIOUT set to Yes. However, everytime I let the simulation run with OptiStruct I see that in the out file the Modal Analysis has been calculated and also the modes of the condensed system are there. But then the program stops with the error message
*** ERROR # 6409 ***
The RecurDyn library returned with an error.
I tried quite a lot of changes to the model. In some cases it can write the rfi file, in others not, doesnt seem logical. My problem is that this error message is not very helpful as I dont have any idea what it could really mean.
Different computers ended with the same error message.
Does anyone know where I could find more about this error code?
Hi @DWerner
Altair Forum User said:*** ERROR # 6409 ***
The RecurDyn library returned with an error.The error is coming from RecurDyn solver. Please contact RecurDyn support for the same.