Problems with ERROR # 1000

I have this error while trying to solve a modal analysis. I checked that the material and property were correctly assigned then i tried by deleting all the tria3 element but i still get the error
can someone please help me or guide me to a solution?
Thank you in advance
Could you also attach the fem file to take a quick look?
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thank you for your reply. You can find the file in this link case it exceeded the max size.
I really don't get why. can't wait for your help
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No material was assigned to the component name BARRE_PEDALE_3D. Please assign and run again. The shared file also contains free nodes/dependency issues which would lead to further error. Please correct this issue and run again.
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I assigned the property to BARRE_PEDALE_3D however it didn't go through
I also checked the node dependency, and i corrected the one i got. now there is 0
i'm new to hypermesh. the way i check the node/dependency is by going to Mesh->check->node->dependency i selected all the element.
here's the file modified
thank you
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Hi Rahul R,
Please did you have time to check the last file?
i really can't find the problem
Thank you
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Above shared file is running fine at my end without any edit.Which version of Optistruct solver you are using?If possible please share .out file of the run.
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Thank you for your reply. I'm using the Hypermesh 2017.2
Here's the .out file
Thank you
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Please try running attached fem file.Since structure is not connnected and without boundary condition, first 12 modes would be rigid for free free modal analysis.
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The file you attached is working fine.
Actually i tried to run the analysis with the export option displayed and it's working but if i do 'all' i have the error above
What's the difference between the options?
thank you
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Thank your for the file. that's what i understood but i don't get why when it's on 'all' it doesn't work
at your end does it work when the export option is all?
thank you for your help
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Altair Forum User said:
Thank your for the file. that's what i understood but i don't get why when it's on 'all' it doesn't work
at your end does it work when the export option is all?
thank you for your help
Could you also share the same .fem file which you are referring here.
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Hi Rahul,
were you able to test the file?
Thank you again
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Hi Rahul,
Any news from the test of the file?
Thank you again
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Altair Forum User said:Thank you, here's the file .fem
In this file..Component name with seat is repeated 14 times..Just delete all component with name seat.
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Attached is the updated fem file.If you are not comfortable with HyperMesh interface then you could explore Basic FEA or SolidThinking Inspire for Staic & Modal Analysis.
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How did you find that seat is repeated? what option can i use?
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Please, how can I check that and clean it before running the analysis?
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Refer out file for the error and warning.Please refer attached video.