Questions about parameters in FATLOAD Load Collector

Elb Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hello everyone:

I've been trying to do the optistruct tutorial OS-T: 1340 Fatigue (Stress - Life) Method but I'm new in this area and  I have some questions about FATLOAD and its parameters.

  1. What exactly is LDM and what realitonship has with the load of the subcase?
  2. I've seen that loads for each subcase are respectively 1250 N and 1000 N. However both load histories are between 1 and -1 and with a scale of 3. Why is like that? Shouldn't it be with a scale of 1000 one and 1250 the other?
  3. In the case that instead of a punctual load there's a pressure or moment in one subcase, load histories need to be scaled to N to be consistent or they can stay in the units of the subcase load (Nmm or N/mm^2)?.
  4. How would you represent in the fatigue analysis static loads that contribute to the stress of the model but don't vary cyclicaly?


I appreciate your time answering them.

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