Moving Body Capabilities

Nazrin Altair Community Member
edited July 2024 in Community Q&A

Hello everyone,

Does Altair have plan to expand the capabilities to model moving body e.g. Overset Mesh in the future? If yes, when the implementation will begin?


  • acupro
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2024

    What applications with moving bodies are of interest?

    What sorts of body motions are you seeking?  Can you attach any images/animations?

  • Nazrin
    Nazrin Altair Community Member
    edited July 2024

    What applications with moving bodies are of interest?

    What sorts of body motions are you seeking?  Can you attach any images/animations?

    My faculty involves in marine study. So, most of our simulation include:

    1. Boat/Ship maneuvering and seakeeping.
    2. Vortex-induced vibration (Renewable energy). 
    3. Breakwater (Wave energy, but we are using Flow3D for this case).
    I did some simulation regarding boat behavior in calm water in 2019 (still using AcuConsole at that time). However, when the boat drifting, simulation crash due to mesh distortion. I did a few adjustments like increase or decrease the distortion tolerance, however the simulation did crash randomly.

    So, this mesh distortion error just across my mind past 2 days ago and that is why I am asking in this forum. Please don't misunderstand my intention/question (LOL).

    p/s: Sorry I dont have any video or the .acs file of the boat sim as it was long time ago.

  • acupro
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2024

    My faculty involves in marine study. So, most of our simulation include:

    1. Boat/Ship maneuvering and seakeeping.
    2. Vortex-induced vibration (Renewable energy). 
    3. Breakwater (Wave energy, but we are using Flow3D for this case).
    I did some simulation regarding boat behavior in calm water in 2019 (still using AcuConsole at that time). However, when the boat drifting, simulation crash due to mesh distortion. I did a few adjustments like increase or decrease the distortion tolerance, however the simulation did crash randomly.

    So, this mesh distortion error just across my mind past 2 days ago and that is why I am asking in this forum. Please don't misunderstand my intention/question (LOL).

    p/s: Sorry I dont have any video or the .acs file of the boat sim as it was long time ago.

    Yes - there are limits to the current mesh deformation technology, as with too much local distortion the mesh will fail.  The development team has looked at various technologies like overset or immersed boundary, but there's nothing new with mesh motion coming in the near-term.

    1 - You may be able to go a little farther with this if you make one mesh motion instance take care of the translation/rotation of the boat/ship and assign that to a sphere/cylinder surrounding the body.  Then make another mesh motion instance for the rest of the domain - and use a user function for that mesh motion instance such that it duplicates the translation of the body, but not the rotation.  There will be Interface Surface between the two domains.  It's a little more complex, but we have shown it is possible.

    2 - This would depend on how much motion, if there are fixed ends, etc.  In the past, we've done lots of work in this area for flexible risers.

  • Nazrin
    Nazrin Altair Community Member
    edited July 2024

    Yes - there are limits to the current mesh deformation technology, as with too much local distortion the mesh will fail.  The development team has looked at various technologies like overset or immersed boundary, but there's nothing new with mesh motion coming in the near-term.

    1 - You may be able to go a little farther with this if you make one mesh motion instance take care of the translation/rotation of the boat/ship and assign that to a sphere/cylinder surrounding the body.  Then make another mesh motion instance for the rest of the domain - and use a user function for that mesh motion instance such that it duplicates the translation of the body, but not the rotation.  There will be Interface Surface between the two domains.  It's a little more complex, but we have shown it is possible.

    2 - This would depend on how much motion, if there are fixed ends, etc.  In the past, we've done lots of work in this area for flexible risers.

    Can Altair add #1 in the tutorials? PLEASE? A cylinder VIV case should sufficient.

    Talking about boat, why the boat tutorial is no longer available in HW CFD? It was available in AcuConsole.