Mesh quality

Hi, experts.
I am analyzing single-phase water flow using acusolve in Hyperworks CFD. This is a model in which water flows through a channel into a rainwater catch basin.
I am trying to create a layer mesh near the wall, assuming that I will use SST k-omega turbulence model.
I understand that the most convenient and important indicator of mesh quality is the aspect ratio, but could you please tell me if there is an ideal value for the aspect ratio?
Of course, I understand that the ideal value for the aspect ratio is 1, but with layer meshes, if the initial height becomes very small, I think it is inevitable that the aspect ratio will increase. I would appreciate it if you could tell me the ideal values for the aspect ratio and other mesh quality, taking into account the layer mesh.
AcuSolve is quite tolerant of high aspect ratio elements - but there is likely some limit. In practice, I probably would limit the first layer size to no smaller than 1/10 the surface element size, but I'm not aware of any detailed study on that. (In other words, I'm not aware of an ideal first layer - to - surface size ratio.)