Thermal on the brake disc on Radioos

Gabriel Rodrigues
Gabriel Rodrigues Altair Community Member
edited 2023 21 in Community Q&A

This is the third time I'm asking a question here, and I don't know what else to do. I'm studying the thermal of this brake disc and I'm not able to create the model. Does anyone know how to help me? Disc is rotating and force is being applied to pad but disc is still at 300 kelvin


Best Answer

  • PaulAltair
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 20 Answer ✓

    I had a look at your model, you need to check almost all of the fundamentals, the units seem incorrect by orders of magnitude in places, (for both materials and thermal properties), the constraints are not defined correctly (the pads were fully constrained and the inivel was not defined on the main node of the disc), the contact has no clearance between pads and disc and no gapmin defined and was missing the thermal contact parameters, the run duration vs loading vs animation frequency was inconsistent (30+ revolutions per second, for 3s with only 6 animation files requested)?. I have made a version of it here that 'works' running for 3ms rather than 3s, but I have just used guesswork to correct the model where it wasn't clear in your original so you should recheck everything!. The example in help that Adriano refers to Brake Thermal in Help is probably a better place to start, then build up the complexity in your own model (e.g. get the mechanical side working first before trying to add the thermal aspects).


  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 17

    I'm not a Radioss expert, but there is a similar example of a heating brake in the documentation, under examples.

    Maybe it could be a good starting point.

  • PaulAltair
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 20 Answer ✓

    I had a look at your model, you need to check almost all of the fundamentals, the units seem incorrect by orders of magnitude in places, (for both materials and thermal properties), the constraints are not defined correctly (the pads were fully constrained and the inivel was not defined on the main node of the disc), the contact has no clearance between pads and disc and no gapmin defined and was missing the thermal contact parameters, the run duration vs loading vs animation frequency was inconsistent (30+ revolutions per second, for 3s with only 6 animation files requested)?. I have made a version of it here that 'works' running for 3ms rather than 3s, but I have just used guesswork to correct the model where it wasn't clear in your original so you should recheck everything!. The example in help that Adriano refers to Brake Thermal in Help is probably a better place to start, then build up the complexity in your own model (e.g. get the mechanical side working first before trying to add the thermal aspects).

  • Gabriel Rodrigues
    Gabriel Rodrigues Altair Community Member
    edited 2023 21

    I had a look at your model, you need to check almost all of the fundamentals, the units seem incorrect by orders of magnitude in places, (for both materials and thermal properties), the constraints are not defined correctly (the pads were fully constrained and the inivel was not defined on the main node of the disc), the contact has no clearance between pads and disc and no gapmin defined and was missing the thermal contact parameters, the run duration vs loading vs animation frequency was inconsistent (30+ revolutions per second, for 3s with only 6 animation files requested)?. I have made a version of it here that 'works' running for 3ms rather than 3s, but I have just used guesswork to correct the model where it wasn't clear in your original so you should recheck everything!. The example in help that Adriano refers to Brake Thermal in Help is probably a better place to start, then build up the complexity in your own model (e.g. get the mechanical side working first before trying to add the thermal aspects).

    thank you, your help saved me, it gave me a direction to go, but i am correcting my model and I had two doubts:
    .  what would this Gapmin be and why should there be a space between the pads and the disk.
    .  How do I make a lighter simulation, I need to simulate 1.6 seconds of this simulation, is there any way to put it just to calculate the maximum temperature obtained in that time (I use the "Engine File Assistant" to help me and I don't know what to put in it. )

    . what is it:
    - thermal resistance per surface unit
    -coulomb friction
    -frictional heating factor