I formatting my computer without deactivating my license

Vaggelis Pischinas
Vaggelis Pischinas Altair Community Member
edited October 1 in Community Q&A


I am a student, and I had downloaded Inspire Cast and was using it with a license. However, I didn't deactivate the license before formatting my computer. Now, I tried to activate the Altair software again using the same license (which has not expired), but it says that the license has been used with a different HostID. Is there anything I can do to resolve this issue?

Thank you.


  • Suhas Ambekar
    Suhas Ambekar
    Altair Employee
    edited October 1


    Your license has been deactivated from your PC. You should now be able to activate your student license on your PC again. Please let me know if that works for you.

    Kindly follow this video to access the student edition bundle on the Altair One marketplace and successfully activate the license using the activation key - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4_-4MZNF7Y.

    Also, follow the additional steps mentioned on this website to activate the license for RapidMiner/AI Studio ( for Mac users)( for Mac users)- https://web.altair.com/altair-student-edition


  • Mohammed Amansour
    Mohammed Amansour Altair Community Member
    edited October 1


    Your license has been deactivated from your PC. You should now be able to activate your student license on your PC again. Please let me know if that works for you.

    Kindly follow this video to access the student edition bundle on the Altair One marketplace and successfully activate the license using the activation key - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4_-4MZNF7Y.

    Also, follow the additional steps mentioned on this website to activate the license for RapidMiner/AI Studio ( for Mac users)( for Mac users)- https://web.altair.com/altair-student-edition


    Hi Suhas Ambekar,

    I have the same issue, can you deactivate the license from the old PC? I would be truly thankful.

  • Alaric
    Alaric Altair Community Member
    edited October 1


    Your license has been deactivated from your PC. You should now be able to activate your student license on your PC again. Please let me know if that works for you.

    Kindly follow this video to access the student edition bundle on the Altair One marketplace and successfully activate the license using the activation key - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4_-4MZNF7Y.

    Also, follow the additional steps mentioned on this website to activate the license for RapidMiner/AI Studio ( for Mac users)( for Mac users)- https://web.altair.com/altair-student-edition


    Hi Suhas,

    Could you please help deactivate my license as well? My old device has been damaged and cannot access anymore.

    Thank you so much.
