what's the mathematical model or numerical method used in gauge optimization ?

Sherif HANY AWADALLA Altair Community Member
edited January 2024 in Community Q&A

Good day, 

Kindly I need to ask about the numerical method used in Gauge optimization, I tried the online tutorial and was really impressed by it. but how can I verify the results? 
To convince my leaders of it, I need to know the mathematical model or numerical method behind it. 
Thanks in advance.


  • loistf
    loistf Altair Community Member
    edited January 2024

    You have info about the math of the methods in this section of the doc. 
    With size optimization you don't really need to do any extra verification of the results, since the last iteration results are already the same that one analyst would do, regardless of how the design has been achieved. 
    I recommend you sell them the improvements, the increase in mechanical performance or mass reduction. That makes a better bussiness case than any method! :)

  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2024
    loistf said:

    You have info about the math of the methods in this section of the doc. 
    With size optimization you don't really need to do any extra verification of the results, since the last iteration results are already the same that one analyst would do, regardless of how the design has been achieved. 
    I recommend you sell them the improvements, the increase in mechanical performance or mass reduction. That makes a better bussiness case than any method! :)

    I agree. Of course knowing what is in the background is important, but like mentioned, at the end of the day, you will have a design proposal that could be verified by you, with your regular methods, just as if you would do by trial and error.

    But just adding some details, OS will use gradient-based algorithms in order to take decisions and mode the gauges from one iteration to another. Iteratively it will run your new proposals, evaluate objective and constraints and take decisions on the gauges to the next iteration, until it converges.