how to find Anisotropic material Aluminium Alloy optistruct
Thermal Stress Analysis on a Heatsink
Material :- Anisotropic : Aluminium Alloy
for 3d element i have used the MAT9 card image in that G11,G22,G33,G44,G55,G66( elastic modulus) from where i can get these values.
and with that A1,A2,A3(cofficient thermal expasion)
Best Answer
1) MAT9 needs all the enginneering constants for being used
2) MAT9ORT needs some ortotropic constants and gives you the full anisotropic GXY constants
For any of these, you need to know what you're trying to model, and what is the source of anisotropy.
with your description it is not easy to say anything about the material.
1) MAT9 needs all the enginneering constants for being used
2) MAT9ORT needs some ortotropic constants and gives you the full anisotropic GXY constants
For any of these, you need to know what you're trying to model, and what is the source of anisotropy.
with your description it is not easy to say anything about the material.