How Do i do to export elements from pfgrid results? I need export elements display like as current value: 0.3 and legend max:0.5. Results between 0.3 and 0.5 only.
Hello Geraldo,depending on how you get the selections (iso, other...) and what usage you want to do with this export I can see 2 solutions.1) If this is the result of an iso plot, you can use the "Tools > Export > Iso surface" to extract as a stl the 2D elements representing what you see on the screen.
2) The second solution is to use the "File > Export > solver deck" option, that will allow you to export your model in several solver format. This only export the model that is not hidden.So you can use the Mask tool to hide portions of the model you do not want (using for example the "By contour" option for selection), then expoort your model.Be aware though that this exports the model in its deformed shape, so if you want no displacements considered, you need to create first a dummy load step (Results > create > Derived loadsteps) with no 0 displacement.Gildas