Hypermesh duplicating and rename components (Dyna)
Altair Community Member
I need to generate about 400 duplicated Dyna componets and increment their Part names as well. Is this possible? Maybe as a TCP script?
Once I have these new componets (SID & MAT are common) I can then move/create a single beam element into each of them.
Many thanks.
Do you want duplicate also for component contents (mesh) ? Or juste component definition?
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Yes, ofcourse it is possible. But you should move beam into each part at same time of creation
like this:
*createmarkpanel elems 1 "Select beams:"
foreach BeamId [hm_getmark elems 1] {
set PartName [hm_getincrementalname comps part]
*collectorcreateonly comps $PartName "" [expr round(rand()*63)+1]
*createmark elems 1 $BeamId
*movemark elems 1 $PartName
*clearmark elems 1