Reference frame to simulate rotation of a propeller

Hello all!
I'm new running with this software so I have a doubt.
I want to simulate the rotation of a propeller. So I import the propeller's geometry and then make a cylinder surrounding it. Then I subtract the propeller volume from the cylinder with Boolean>Subtract>Target-Cylinder + Tool-Propeller and set air as material. Then I use a reference frame (steady), selecting the surfaces of the propeller's previous volume as the moving body, and the axis. Then I run the simulation and I obtain this velocity contour.
It seems to be a photo of an initial instant of a transient simulation instead of a steady result.
Does anyone know why is this happening?
Thank you!
Best Answer
If you've applied the reference frame to the surfaces only, the extent of the effect is quite local to the surfaces. Typically for a rotating body we would apply the reference frame to the solid body surrounding the rotating faces as well. (In HyperWorks CFD select the solid - the fluid body - and make sure 'Include Bounding Surfaces' is active.) I suggest you redefine the reference frame following that guideline and this tutorial:
If you've applied the reference frame to the surfaces only, the extent of the effect is quite local to the surfaces. Typically for a rotating body we would apply the reference frame to the solid body surrounding the rotating faces as well. (In HyperWorks CFD select the solid - the fluid body - and make sure 'Include Bounding Surfaces' is active.) I suggest you redefine the reference frame following that guideline and this tutorial: