Remaining time increasing.
This is because the time step is dropping in your model. In this case while reviewing the OUT file, the time step drop is due to interface ID-3 in your model.
Check and remove any penetration/intersection causing due to this interface ID-3.
Still if the error exists try imposing a reasonable time step and run the analysis.
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Hello @Pranav Hari
This problem still seems to persist! I have removed all sort of intersections and penetrations. I have run the model checker, and there seems to be an error ( rigid body id is different from master id). But i have read, that this does not make any difference to the solver.
The model used to run fine, when I gave an initial velocity to the component against a rigid wall. Now that i have kept the component fixed, and given an initial velocity to the rigid wall(cylinder) the probelm seems to have occured again. Could you please help me with this?
Thank you,
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the following might help you understand the contact timestep (from Free eBook: Introduction to Explicit Analysis using RADIOSS – A Study Guide and Radioss Help):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Share the model if the issue persists.
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Altair Forum User said:
This problem still seems to persist! I have removed all sort of intersections and penetrations. I have run the model checker, and there seems to be an error ( rigid body id is different from master id). But i have read, that this does not make any difference to the solver.
The model used to run fine, when I gave an initial velocity to the component against a rigid wall. Now that i have kept the component fixed, and given an initial velocity to the rigid wall(cylinder) the probelm seems to have occured again. Could you please help me with this?
Thank you,
Hello @Ivan
I have just created a self contact( TYPE 7) for the component. Are the above parameters, applicable to this self contact? Is it necessary to define any other contact interface?Also i used the above parameters you mentioned for the self contact! It still has the same problem. Just to clarify, my model has just one component.
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Those contact settings are recommended for crash analysis, but it can also be used in other applications.
You can try increasing the Gapmin in your TYPE7 interface which will allow the contact to work sooner and prevent node from penetrating so far.
Its also possible to use /DT/INTER/DEL in the engine file, and where if this time step is lower than the value given in this option /DT/INTER/DEL, the slave node is suppressed from the interface.
Check the FAQ from Radioss Help on Timestep in the attached document.
It is really difficult to give useful advice without seeing your model.
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there is a secure dropbox, however I will not be able to access it as I am not (yet) affiliated with Altair. If you are concerned to share publicly due to confidentiality reasons, maybe you can set up somewhat different model with similar problem.
Sometimes the physics of the problem involves large contact forces in which case timestep drop is unavoidable. Another reason for timestep drop is because Interface type 7 does not deal with edge to edge impact. When the mesh is fine enough, edge to edge penetration is often followed by a node to shell contact. The main problem with edge to edge impact is the locking situations. If there is a change of load after edge penetration, locking is unavoidable since a node to surface contact is detected. This usually leads to high penetration; therefore, the analysis comes to a standstill as time step is reduced. If locking occurs, the use of interface type 11 in this area is necessary to solve the problem.
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Hello @Ivan,
I let the simulation run. The remaining time increased, and then dropped back to normal , and the simulation is complete. My understanding is that this happens , during impact when the time step drops. What are the recommended values for the various parameters , while defining self contact using contact type 7. However, I am getting a very large energy error. And also the deformation seems to be very large, could this mean edge-edge locking has occured? How do i check for edge-edge penetration?
Thank you,
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the recommended values for type 7 contact are already posted above, only the Gapmin parameter is model dependent.
Review the energy balance in Hypergraph by loading the runname_T01 file and plot total, kinetic, internal, hourglass and contact energies. Review timestep evolution throughout the simulation. Compare the plots and try to identify the issue.
Please go through chapter 17 Checks During & After Analysis in already mentioned free Radioss ebook (attached below).
There is no specific procedure for checking edge-edge penetration- just carefully observe the animation in slow motion and look out for element edges crossing- it helps to display Shaded elements and mesh lines. It can be helpful to request contact vector output by eng/anim/vect flags CONT and PCONT to check in animation where and when high contact forces occur. If still unsure, set up type 11 line interface (or type 19, which is a combination of 7+11).
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You're welcome!
The following document could also be helpful (from Radioss Help)