Solution diverging at 100% load factor

Anuj Nandal_22610
Anuj Nandal_22610 New Altair Community Member
edited June 2022 in Community Q&A

I am currently working on conducting a snap fit analysis (multiple snap fits on the component), I tried running the program by dividing the total motion into several loadsteps (Incrementing the motion slowly). The solution converges smoothly until it reaches 100% loadfactor for the first loadstep, and suddenly the analysis begins to diverge. Trying to solve the issue instead of giving enforced displacement I tried giving force as input parameter, just to check what displacements can we see on applying the load. Here again I see similar trend, the solution converging smoothly till 90% loadfactor and diverges at next ie 100% loadfactor on 1st loadstep. Is this some bug or am I doing something wrong ? 


  • PaulAltair
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2022

    Are you using CNTSTB? (contact stabilisation?) that decreases to nil at 100% load and sometimes gives this effect, if so, try setting the stabilisation factor at full load to a small value (e.g. 1e-3)