We have a permanent license purchased and it is giving an error and saying it has expired.

We have a permanent license purchased and it is giving an error and saying it has expired.
It also says it expired almost two months ago and we have been using it until this week.
Hi, Alberto,
Is your question about a PSIM license?
If you are sure your PSIM license is not expired, it is very likely the serial number is expired.
The serial numbers under a PSIM license are managed by a PSIM license administrator in your university. The PSIM license administrator usually is your professor or an IT service person. The license managing software is located on a server computer in your university.
In most of the cases, the serial number expires at the end of a semester or the end of the year. Sometimes, each student gets a different serial number, and each serial number has a different expiration date. This is to ensure only the eligible students have the access to PSIM on campus.
Please contact this administrator to resolve the serial number expiration issue.
If you are the PSIM license administrator and need further instructions on how to create and manage serial numbers, please create a support request ticket. We will send you the documentation and access method.