Getting error while using Expression Builder in Hyperview 2022.3

Arul TM
Arul TM Altair Community Member
edited April 2024 in Community Q&A

When I  was trying to use Hyperview 2022.3.1 for expression builder, I am facing the issues

" WARNING: Invalid ResultMath expression (%s)" 

while using derivative result option. Could you help on how to sort out ?


  • Sebastian_Karp
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2024

    Hello Arul,

    this can only be answered with details on your formula and result used. Feel free to add more details e.g. by screenshots.

    Often times the binding of all parts of the formula is the issue, as these have to be converted to the same binding, e.g. by operators BCNodeToElem or similar.
