Boundary Condition Naming Issue

Good morning,
While preparing the CFD simulation recently I noticed the issue with launching the calculations, because of the software being unable to locate the ''Boundary Condition file.''
It happened in the simulation, where I had a manifold with 4 separate chambers. This is why I treated them as 4 separate solutions within one SimLab database. To have all the data clean and under easy control I kept naming all the bodies, meshes and boundary condition and I noticed problem with the last step here.
When I tried to name the inlets and outlets I was receiving error at the beginning of the simulation:
acuPrep: ***ERROR: unable to open file SIMLAB.DIR/Outlet_noDCDC_side.FluidbodyOutletnoDCDCside.tet4.Surface_3638.tria3.ebc; file Outlet_noDCDC_side.inp line 226; at or before: G } F
acuPrep: ***ERROR: SURFACE_SET( "Surface_3638_FluidbodyOutletnoDCDCside_tet_tria3" ) {
acuPrep: ***ERROR: surfaces = Read( "SIMLAB.DIR/Outlet_noDCDC_side.FluidbodyOutletnoDCDCside.tet4.Surface_3638.tria3.ebc" )
acuPrep: ***ERROR: ^
But when I kept the same mesh, same parameter's values of inlet and outlet flow, but I did not rename the boundary conditions (I kept generic names) the simulation has run smoothly:
Is there some guideline for naming of the components within the simulation to avoid such a problems? Or is it some known problem, which is planned to be solved?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Can you also attach an image showing the names to which you changed those boundary sets?
Is the behavior different if you use the latest release 2023.3.1? (Also remember to download the Additionals file into the same directory, prior to running the installer.)
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Usually I was renaming it in a way, that if the original generic name is e.g. Inlet_82, then I was just removing the number and putting specific name there.
Inlet_82 --> Inlet_DCDC_cooling
Additionally- I am not 100% sure if this is the reason- if I create single solution file, create boundary conditions with specific names and I don't manipulate with them I could run 1 or 2 simulations like that. But when I tried to manipulate with them (change parameters, naming later on) or when I run few solution sets for one SimLab database (and try to use same naming but with different parameters in different solutions)- it creates some mess. But this are just my guesses.
But whenever I have this problem- I just delete all the boundary conditions. Recreate them without touching the names and everything runs ok.I am using the latest SimLab 2022.3.1. As far as I remember I downloaded everything in same folder before installation.
I was thinking about creating separate question- but maybe it is somehow related so I will mention it here as well- also I have problem with re-opening results (when I open SimLab database, right click on green checkmark with results and click display results, then the app is crashing). I'm just mentioning, as maybe I make some mistakes with the workflow with saving files/using wrong folder location...0