What does an advanced BGA csv location file contain?

Altair Employee
edited March 2024 in Community Q&A

I'm trying to make BGA connections along the rim of a chip but it has a very specific spacings and is not covering the entire chip.

The best way is to use the BGA locations import from a CSV file - but how do I create it, or from where do I export it in order to have a mapping of the locations I want the BGA connectors to be at?



  • Aniruddha Duggani
    Aniruddha Duggani
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2024

    Hi Niv,


    You can get the csv file for the BGA locations from the Electrical team that creates the electrical footprint for BGA.

    I believe the file can be exported from ECAD tools like Cadence or Mentor Graphics.