Importing .udb Moldflow material data into Inspire Mold

Dylan_21534 New Altair Community Member
edited October 2024 in Community Q&A

Hi, I've received some material data in the form of an .udb Autodesk Moldflow file. I am unable to open this file in Inspire Mold. Is there any way I can read this file with Inspire Mold or convert it to a .xml file for use in the program? Alternatively, I have tried to import the data by hand but the input parameters do not correspond across the two programs. 



  • SungMoonKim
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2024

    Hello Dylan


    Thank you for contacting us.
    I would like to comment on what you have given me.

    Moldflow material import
    Unable to directly import the material from Moldflow.

    Inspire Mold Material
    1. You can create materials through Edit in the Material GUI.

    2. What needs to be defined are shown in the picture below.
    3. If it is difficult to proceed with the above, please contact technical support.
    To create a support ticket, please send a mail to with your official mail ID.


    Thank you and Best Regards,
    SungMoon Kim

  • Paritoshebbal
    Paritoshebbal Altair Community Member
    edited October 2024

    Hi Dylan, could you tell me how one can view the results from a Moldflow simulation in Hyperview?