Unable to View All Design Variants in a4db File When Importing to HyperView from Animator Viewer

Vedant Gaikwad
Vedant Gaikwad Altair Community Member
edited August 18 in Community Q&A

I have an a4db file generated from the Animator containing results for four different design variants (Slots) within a single file. However, I only have the Animator Viewer version, so I need to analyze the results in HyperView.

When I import the a4db file into HyperView, I can only see the first design variant, and I'm unable to switch or select any of the other variants. Is there a way to access and view all design variants in HyperView, or is there a different method I should use to properly analyze the results from the Animator file?

Any guidance on how to resolve this issue would be greatly appreciated!
