Screw Modeling

Hello all,
I am trying to simulate a crash test with Radioss2022-1 using Ls Dyna .k input decks as start input!
Could anyone please help me how to model a bolt with preload in LS Dyna so Radioss can convert it?
I define a bolt in ls Dyna with :
(a) beam element type 9 (ELTYP=9) connected to a rigid body from both sides, and add a preload by specifying *INITLA_AXIAL_FORCE_BEAM
b) solid elements for shaft, head, nut and add preload with *INITIAL_STRESS_SECTION
Unfortunately the keywords:
cannot be converted to Radioss format.
Is there an alternative for modeling screws?
With kind regards
Hello Mahsa,
On this page, you can see all keywords that can be translated from Dyna to Radioss on 2022.3 version:
Also, there are some excellent posts here in the community about pretension on Radioss. It may be helpful for you:
3D Bolt pretensioning using HyperWorks 2022.1 for Radioss 2022
Radioss solid mesh Bolt preloading with 1D spring element
Pretension with /PRELOAD on solid bolt
Guilherme Brandão.