creating mesh between 2 mesh components using tcl script

Hi all,
I have 2 mesh components..yellow and green
considering yellow comp some tolerance of at least 2 elements size of green one...want to delete some portion from green as shown...
then create mesh between these two comp...shape can be tri or quad or mixed.
This is shell mesh...
element size of both are different...
no surface available for this 2
I want to automate these things...
1 . Delete some portion from green...considering size of yellow
2. Create mesh between yellow and green keeping connectivity in mind..
please help me out...
if any one have any idea...
Thanks & Regards,
That takes 5' to do in interactive session Hypmermesh.
Why you need script for this?
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Actually i am writing script to create weld between 2 comps. so as per requirement there should be quad elements around here i m creating weld with quad around it.
now i want to connect these quad with green comp mesh( this mesh could be tri or quad or mixed) by deleting some portion from it..
how can i do that manually.
Please can u give me steps for this...
i will get some idea...
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Share your HM model?
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i can't share...against company policy
/emoticons/default_sad.png' srcset='/emoticons/sad@2x.png 2x' title=':(' width='20' />
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Altair Forum User said:
how can i do that manually.
Please can u give me steps for this...
i will get some idea...
In general, if you don't know how to do that manually, you CAN not write your script.
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you are absolutely right...
What should i do now??
Thanks & Regards,
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Altair Forum User said:
Actually i am writing script to create weld between 2 comps. so as per requirement there should be quad elements around here i m creating weld with quad around it.
now i want to connect these quad with green comp mesh( this mesh could be tri or quad or mixed) by deleting some portion from it..
how can i do that manually.
Please can u give me steps for this...
i will get some idea...
Many types of weld can be done by hm connector. Don't you use it instead of writing it your self?
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Altair Forum User said:
Many types of weld can be done by hm connector. Don't you use it instead of writing it your self?
Hi Tinh,
want to connect tetra meshed and shell meshed(could be tri or quad) comps with quad mesh.
if tri on shell meshed comps ..i have to delete them at vicinity of weld...create quad at deleted portion....then have to renumber these one near by layer of quad at weld in series...and also nodes on weld....
things i automated till now as per my logic:
1. projected duplicate nodes from tetra meshed comp on shell meshed...perpendecular
2. then by drag->nodes planer to shell meshed comps... consider i created yellow meshed(ref attachment)
now i want to delete some portion of shell meshed comps( green in attachment)
then connect yellow with green......
manually this takes much time to work out...
so want to automate this...
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Altair Forum User said:
you are absolutely right...
What should i do now??
Thanks & Regards,
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Altair Forum User said:
I went through that link but i have query....
1. no lines in model so how can i create surface by Lines as shown in model...
2. do i have to create lines as well for this or any other option??
3. how to ensure same node on existing meshes
all other things i understood......
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Of course, you have to create lines before making surface.
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Thank you
/emoticons/default_smile.png' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' title=':)' width='20' />
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Tinh and Dai,
is there any way to automate this? ----->>
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Yes, certainly
But it's very time consuming
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Altair Forum User said:
Yes, certainly
But it's very time consuming
Hi Tinh
Please give some that i can work on that
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Hi, try this work
1) select elems on the yellow patch
2) find free edges (or loop) of (1)
3) get nodes list of loop (2) with order , we will use 2d>ruled command to create mesh, so nodes must be input with correct order
4) get loops of green comp
5) search for the closest loop in (4), means the inside loop closed to yellow patch
6) get nodes list of loop (5) with order
7) first node of nodes list (3) must be closed to first node of nodes list (6), if not -> ruled mesh may be failed
8) search the closest node in nodes list (6) to the first node of (3), turn around order of nodes in list (6) to obey (7)
9) make ruled mesh
10) equivalence the created mesh
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Altair Forum User said:
Hi, try this work
1) select elems on the yellow patch
2) find free edges (or loop) of (1)
3) get nodes list of loop (2) with order , we will use 2d>ruled command to create mesh, so nodes must be input with correct order
4) get loops of green comp
5) search for the closest loop in (4), means the inside loop closed to yellow patch
6) get nodes list of loop (5) with order
7) first node of nodes list (3) must be closed to first node of nodes list (6), if not -> ruled mesh may be failed
8) search the closest node in nodes list (6) to the first node of (3), turn around order of nodes in list (6) to obey (7)
9) make ruled mesh
10) equivalence the created mesh
thanks for reply.
3. how to get nodelist in order?
8. ??
also please suggest some API...
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3) some commands I suggested here
8) hm_getclosestnode
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Altair Forum User said:
3) some commands I suggested here
8) hm_getclosestnode
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Altair Forum User said:
3) some commands I suggested here
8) hm_getclosestnode
Hi Tinh,
it worked....but still getting some gap...
see attachment...
any workaround.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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Please make ruled mesh for remained gap, 2 node lists include first and end nodes of (3) and (6)
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Altair Forum User said:
Please make ruled mesh for remained gap, 2 node lists include first and end nodes of (3) and (6)
Yes I have done that...
I have one query ...
When i find loops...I get ordered list
But if I find edges...I didn't get same
Why so?
Thanks once again..
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I don't know such detail, but loops are very different from edges, in your simple case above, they look similar
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@tinh @Pandurang How to search closet node ?
Hi, try this work
1) select elems on the yellow patch
2) find free edges (or loop) of (1)
3) get nodes list of loop (2) with order , we will use 2d>ruled command to create mesh, so nodes must be input with correct order
4) get loops of green comp
5) search for the closest loop in (4), means the inside loop closed to yellow patch
6) get nodes list of loop (5) with order
7) first node of nodes list (3) must be closed to first node of nodes list (6), if not -> ruled mesh may be failed
8) search the closest node in nodes list (6) to the first node of (3), turn around order of nodes in list (6) to obey (7)
9) make ruled mesh
10) equivalence the created mesh
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Use hm_getclosestnode
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@tinh Hi,
I tried but im not able to search it. will you please tell me with example that how to search it in loop?
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How did you try it?
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I executed first 4 steps correctly. Now i have nodes of free edges of two different components. After that i m confused now how to match closest nodes of two components.
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Or try hm_measureshortestdistance?