Profile conversion from Hypermesh (Nastran) to HyperForm (Radioss one step)

If you are staying on HM(Nastran) profile, you can use Convert tool to convert to Radioss format.
HM will switch to Radioss automatically. Then you will manually switch to HyperForm One Step.
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Altair Forum User said:
Hi ,
I have a need to convert hypermesh Nastran profile to Hyperform - Radioss one step profile using a script.
Can any one help me in getting the commands for the same?
Hi Dilip,
HM customization TCL script API does not support card for Radioss One Step solver. Then unable to auto convert Nastran models to OneStep.
However, you can use Result Initializer in Engineering profile to convert Radioss or LS-dyna models and run OneStep for multiple parts.
Later you can map thickness and strain to their models.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>