Inquiry on Visualizing Displacements of Beam Elements

Francesco Schettino
Francesco Schettino Altair Community Member
edited June 2024 in Community Q&A


I am experiencing difficulties enabling the visualization of displacements, stresses, or strains of the cross sections of beam elements. I would like to ask how I can achieve this visualization in your software. Specifically, I have a few questions:

1. Is it necessary to create a Free Body Diagram (FBD) to visualize these results, or is it possible to obtain this information without creating an FBD?
2. Is there any guides or tutorials, that I could consult to better understand how to visualize such displacements in beam elements?

In particular, I am interested in visualizing the torsional modes and flexural-torsional coupling modes that may arise from a modal and flutter analysis of these elements.

I would greatly appreciate your support to continue my work effectively.

Thank you for your attention and assistance.

Best regards,



  • Rajashri_Saha
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2024

    Hi Fransesco,

    You can review the beam element stress, stain and displacement for each section in Hyperview.

    Below are the supporting docs for this.

    Stress Results Written in HyperView .h3d Format (

    Strain Results Written in HyperView .h3d Format (

    Elements (

    1D Elements (CBAR/CBEAM via PBARL/PBEAML)

    The following strain results are output for CBAR/CBEAM elements defined via PBARL/PBEAML property entries. The Result type: HyperView is CBAR/CBEAM Strains (<TYPE>), where the <TYPE> entry is based on the selected cross-section (TYPE/NAME field) on the PBARL/PBEAML entries. The element strain results can be reviewed for each cross-section type, corresponding evaluation point, at element ends (A or B). The maximum normal/shear/von Mises strains can also be reviewed.

