Tetmajer-Jasinski buckling

New Altair Community Member
I have a question concerning buckling analysis. If I use linear static load step and then linear buckling will optistruct calculate the buckling correctly if the buckling occurs according to Tetmajer-Jasinski and not according to Eulers? (the slenderness is higher than 40 but smaller than 100).
I have performed the analysis and the results are wrong as if it was calculated according to Eulers. What should I do to obtain realisic results? I tried to add extra material parameters and do nonlinenar quasi static but its still not working.
Thank you for your help in advance.
You could try Nonlinear Transient Analysis.
Time Stepping schemes:
Generalized Alpha Method (Default)
- Used for most nonlinear transient simulations
- “Light” numerical damping
Backward Euler Method
- Useful for “quasi-static” post-buckling solutions
- “Heavy” numerical damping
- Dissipative and thus, highly stable