static constant amplitude (100N) loading repeated 20000 cycle in hyperlife

Hi I have simple static loading run and this static loading repeated 21000 times in test spec so for durability assessment on FEA model as well.
So I would like to know if it is ok just using constant amplitude option and picking up max value 1 and min value 0 then using event1-subcase1-constantamplitude1 where event1 is repeated 21000 times as shown in the pictures attached. Thing that confuses me is load magnitude -time graph for this constantamplitude1 option as you can see in attached files it shows constant amplitude-time graph start with 0.5 at time value zero, rises to 1 at time value 1 and down to zero at time value 3. I expect to have magnitude 0 at time value zero, 1 at time value t and zero again at time value 2t. Could you let me know what is the right way in hyperlife to define a load case where static load (lets say 100N only- constant amplitude) repeated on the structure 20000 times.