Eon vs Rg/Eoff vs Rg, for MOSFET Thermal Model (Eon)
Does your datasheet provide different Eon vs Rg curves for several different VDS and IDS levels?
Does your datasheet provide different VDS vs IDS curves for different Rg?
In PSIM's thermal device database, PSIM's MOSFET_Eon parameters set the values of Rg_on and Rg_off first. The characteristic curves, such as VDS vs IDS, Eon vs IDS, and etc, are based on these values from the datasheet.
If your answer to both questions above are yes, and if you want to simulate the MOSFET's thermal behavior for different Rg values, you may need to create different devices in the thermal database for different Rg values.
For example, you may draw all the curves (VDS vs IDS Eon vs IDS, and etc.) for Rg=8.2 and name the device as "BSM180D12P3C007_RG8.2"
Then, you may create another device, draw all the curves for Rg=2.2 and name the device as "BSM180D12P3C007_RG2.2"