How to model the slings of a lifting device subjected to lateral gravity?

Honore New Altair Community Member
edited May 2021 in Community Q&A

Hello everyone,

I am having problems with the results of the modeling of a typical "CAMLOK MR FIXED MULTI RAIL GRABS"

In static, by applying:

-1Gz, I obtain rather coherent results in stress and displacement;

On the other hand in lateral component (+ 0.15Gx-1Gz), I obtain inappropriate displacements.


Modeling of the slings of the model: I used CBEAM elements with the PBEAML image card by associating the section and suitable materials.

After several more iterations by modeling my slings in CBAR or CROD, I still don't get consistent results in lateral gravity.


Could you please identify me my problem and direct me towards the best 1D element to use? or maybe the right loading cases for such dimensioning of the beam?

Find in attached my results.


Thank you in advance



  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2021

    cbar/cbeam have bending stiffness. crod would be better probably, as it doesn't transfer moments.


    try adding some pictures or PPT describind your model, and results.

  • Honore
    Honore New Altair Community Member
    edited May 2021

    Here is a resume of my results and my fem model;

    Thanks for advices

  • Honore
    Honore New Altair Community Member
    edited May 2021

    cbar/cbeam have bending stiffness. crod would be better probably, as it doesn't transfer moments.


    try adding some pictures or PPT describind your model, and results.

    I just added a resume. Can you please tell me if you had access to the files?