Installation succesful with errors

JuanPa2018 Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

After 1 complete year of using HW 2017 Student Edition perfectly (mainly for acusolve applications) when 1 year licence expired, I got another one year licence for keeping using this program.

I decided to uninstall from my computer the old version (2017 Student Edition), so I   installed Hw Student Edition 2017.2 succesfully. Then I installed hwacusolve 2018 sucessfully. I ran the solver acusolve perfectly. However  problems started when my antivirus program deleted acuFv.dat file, so I cant run the Acu Field View.


In order to fix this problem, I uninstalled the hwacusolve 2018 y reinstalled it in order to fix the problem.

But problem has not be solved yet. I am getting a 'installation succesful with errors' message when I install the hwacusolve 2018.


Checking the installation.log flles I got this:

Installation: Successful with errors.

291 Successes
0 Warnings
1 NonFatalErrors
0 FatalErrors

Action Notes:



I run Windows 10.


Any suggestion to fix this problem ?




  • Pranav Hari
    Pranav Hari Altair Community Member
    edited May 2019

    Hi JuanPa2018


    If you have used an already existing executable for re-installing, try downloading the executables from the license mail you received and install the same instead of using the existing

    Disable your antivirus program also