Simlab Sine Vibe Post Processing

William VILLERS Altair Community Member
edited 2023 15 in Community Q&A

Looking at graphical post-proc results of a sine vibe modal response, I'm a little confused by what is displayed... No mention of magnitude, phase, real or imaginary part, nothing... Deformed plots make absolutely no sense either. Bringing the H3D into Hyperview brings some sanity back, but it's impossible to correlate one to another in terms of values being displayed...

Is there a trick to post-processing sine vibe results I don't know about?


  • Santhoshkumar
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 08

    Hello William,

    For H3D results, by default it was set to sine vibe modal response. The option is provided to change the complex filters. Please find the attached video for reference.

    Thanks & Regards,


  • William VILLERS
    William VILLERS Altair Community Member
    edited 2023 08

    Thanks! I do not have any of the real/imaginary/magnitude/phase options in the UI (Simlab 2022.3)... And my displacements look absurd... Looks more like it in Hyperview, but then there seems to be an enormous scale factor difference: 3 orders of magnitude... This was run in IPS from Simlab, not sure what HV is showing me then...

  • Santhoshkumar
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 09

    Thanks! I do not have any of the real/imaginary/magnitude/phase options in the UI (Simlab 2022.3)... And my displacements look absurd... Looks more like it in Hyperview, but then there seems to be an enormous scale factor difference: 3 orders of magnitude... This was run in IPS from Simlab, not sure what HV is showing me then...

    Hello William,

    Could you please turn OFF the "Enable new results reader" in File > Preferences > Results > Options and then import the H3D file and check the sine vibe modal response?

    The sine vibe modal response is not supported if the "Enable new results reader" is turned ON.


    Thanks & Regards,


  • William VILLERS
    William VILLERS Altair Community Member
    edited 2023 10

    Here's a simple example of what Simlab post-proc looks like vs. Hyperview. One makes sense, one doesn't. Same mode, displacement plot and deformed plot of the same H3D generated from Simlab.

    Simlab 2022.3



    Hyperview 2022.3


  • Santhoshkumar
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 15

    Here's a simple example of what Simlab post-proc looks like vs. Hyperview. One makes sense, one doesn't. Same mode, displacement plot and deformed plot of the same H3D generated from Simlab.

    Simlab 2022.3



    Hyperview 2022.3


    Hello William,

    Kindly set the "Modal animation mode" in SimLab as shown below. In HyperView, it was set to "Modal animation mode".

    Thanks & Regards,
