SimSolid STEP File Import Randomly Skews Parts

Marley Weir
Marley Weir Altair Community Member
edited March 2023 in Community Q&A

I have had this issue with SimSolid since I started using the software almost a year ago. Whenever I create my model in HyperWorks, export as a STP file and import it into SimSolid I always have 1 lifting lug which loads without a problem, then the other 3 are randomly skewed and unusable. I've tried remodelling the parts, translating duplicates, organising into different components, adding different notches into the 4 lugs so that they are all dissimilar, nothing works. It's far too time consuming going through all the above steps over and over again until eventually the lugs are close enough to original design for analysis.

Please assist.



  • Girish Mudigonda_21018
    Girish Mudigonda_21018
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2023

    Hi Marley,

    If you are creating the geometry in Hypermesh, can you try exporting it as a JT file instead of STP and see if you still notice the issue?

  • Marley Weir
    Marley Weir Altair Community Member
    edited March 2023

    Hi Marley,

    If you are creating the geometry in Hypermesh, can you try exporting it as a JT file instead of STP and see if you still notice the issue?

    Hi Girish,

    I have tried .JT and .IGES, both give the same result.

  • Girish Mudigonda_21018
    Girish Mudigonda_21018
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2023

    Hi Girish,

    I have tried .JT and .IGES, both give the same result.

    Hi Marley,

    Is it possible to share the file here, so we can take a look?