ROM AI crashes the Activate.

Mohammad Ehsan Abdollhai
Mohammad Ehsan Abdollhai Altair Community Member
edited July 2022 in Community Q&A

I have an issue with the ROM AI plug in.
In the activate when I try to open it, it closes the software and gives me this error:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'Xbyak::Error'


Thanks in advance, 


  • RoKet
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2022

    Hi Ehsan,

    Perhaps there is something wrong with the romAI extension caused by Compose or another installation. So, please re-install romAI. The easiest way is to close Activate, delete the .altair folder in Home directory (it's a hidden folder), restart Activate, and load romAI again in the Extension Manager.


  • Mohammad Ehsan Abdollhai
    Mohammad Ehsan Abdollhai Altair Community Member
    edited July 2022

    Hi Ehsan,

    Perhaps there is something wrong with the romAI extension caused by Compose or another installation. So, please re-install romAI. The easiest way is to close Activate, delete the .altair folder in Home directory (it's a hidden folder), restart Activate, and load romAI again in the Extension Manager.



    Thanks for your response, I am using a server (Linux).
    I deleted the .Altari folder in my directory. And I removed the ROM AI from the extension part of the Activate software. 
    Then I reinstalled the ROM AI from the directory: (/opt/altair/activate/altair/Activate2022/hwx/databases/activate/extensions/romAI/)

    It is still giving me the TensorFlow error. Should I consider doing something else?


  • Joe Peric
    Joe Peric Altair Community Member
    edited July 2022


    I installed the software to the server for Mohammad but at one point it did fail to download so I had to restart it. I'd like to run an MD5 or SHA-1 checksum on the package to verify its integrity but I can't find one in the download links section. Can the software devs/tech team provide this for the flux 2022 and 2022.0.1 hotfix files before I attempt another download and install?


  • RoKet
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2022

    Another try:

    The Python version was changed in Activate 2022.

    If an older version of Activate was installed in the same directory during installation of 2022, the new python package isn’t installed (since it's recognized that there is already one).

    So, please try to uninstall all Activate versions and reinstall 2022.

  • RoKet
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2022
    Joe Peric said:


    I installed the software to the server for Mohammad but at one point it did fail to download so I had to restart it. I'd like to run an MD5 or SHA-1 checksum on the package to verify its integrity but I can't find one in the download links section. Can the software devs/tech team provide this for the flux 2022 and 2022.0.1 hotfix files before I attempt another download and install?


    Hi Joe,

    I only have checksum of Activate 2022. Does it help?