Problem with non-interactive mode for running scripts.
Altair Community Member
Hi there,
I want to run a Feko simulation that would produce *.efe and *.hfe files, but I don't want the Feko windows to be visible (in my case, Feko is used as an "invisible" electromagnetic simulator, called by a *.lua script from third party software).
For example, I've written a simple *.lua script that just creates a wire antenna with a near-field point request.
I get the *.efe/*.hfe files that I need when I run the command line script as follows :
cadfeko --run-script "Your path"\Test.lua
But if I run the same script with the non-interactive command :
cadfeko --non-interactive --run-script "Your path"\Test.lua
then the *.efe/*.hfe files are not created.
Is the non-interactive mode supposed to produce no files (so what's the point?) and is there then a way to get the *.efe/*.hfe files without seeing CADFeko windows running?
Thanks in advance if anyone has any ideas.
This problem was kindly solved by Altair support.
The following lines just had to be added or replaced :