Half model to Full model automation (Hypermesh)

Carlos Sanchez Martinez
Carlos Sanchez Martinez Altair Community Member
edited August 2022 in Community Q&A

To whom it may concern

I am interested in trying to change faster from a half model (simplified for the cases that can work in half models) to a full model in such a way that when I update the plies on one side, the plies of the other side updates too and keep being symmetrical. Is this something that can be done without being performed manually? This doesnt only involve the plies but also for example the systems, CBushes, etc... My way of doing it at the moment is reflecting the full model, export as other side and re-impot in the original, then equivalence to knit the geometry but that duplicates all the properties, materials, sets, plies, laminates etc etc.

Is there any automatic way of doing this?

Best regards

Carlos SM


  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2022

    I would try the Transform tool in HW.

    This is essentially an extension of the reflect tool, with smarter options. your porperties won't be duplicated;

    I'd suggest you to use the 'original collector' as destination to keep same props and materials.

    Not sure how this would deal with plies, but i would give it a try.
