Error during 3D bolt pretensioning

Shiv_21125 Altair Community Member
edited May 2021 in Community Q&A


I get an error while defining 3D bolt pre-tensioning using the Pretension Manager. After selecting the elements and defining the boundary nodes, I get an error "The selected nodes did not define any faces". Any idea what could be the reason?





  • Rogerio Nakano_21179
    Rogerio Nakano_21179 New Altair Community Member
    edited May 2021



    there is this tutorial

    OS-T: 1390 Pretensioned Bolt Analysis of an IC Engine Cylinder Head, Gasket and Engine Block System

    Do you face similar problem when attempting to work on the tutorial steps?



  • Shiv_21125
    Shiv_21125 Altair Community Member
    edited May 2021

    Hi Rogerio,


    I looked at the tutorial and followed the same procedure. But I haven't tried the tutorial as is. Maybe I could try that.


  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2021

    Hi Rogerio,


    I looked at the tutorial and followed the same procedure. But I haven't tried the tutorial as is. Maybe I could try that.


    this error is probably related to the creation of the pretension cut, which is a sruface from a face of the bolt.

    you need to select a layer of solid elements, and then define 3nodes from the same element to pick a face. Or just use the 'face' selection on creating the surface.