Error in Optimizing a Cantilever Beam

Abdul Qureshi
Abdul Qureshi Altair Community Member
edited March 2024 in Community Q&A

I am facing different error during optimizing a Catilever Beam, firstly I did the same optimizing by just adding one load step of linear static and 2 load collector of spc and load, but then when I extend my research by adding modal analysis by adding a load step input of EIGRL and second laodstep of Normal_modes I am facing different error during running the Topology Optimization.

 NOTE # 9199
 MSGLMT=STRICT is active, all messages will be printed unless there is
 a subsequent MSGLMT definition to limit error or warning messages.
 You can also suppress some less important warning messages by use of
  MSGLMT=BRIEF or UNREF (in config file or in the input data).
 NOTE # 1929
 Created RAM scratch area: total size 200 MB.
 *** WARNING # 1848
 Topology optimization without minimum member size control activated.
 Using DTPL card or DOPTPRM,MINDIM is recommended.
 *** INFORMATION # 815
 The total number of rigid elements, whose rotational dependent d.o.f.
 are removed because there is no need to constrain those d.o.f., is 1.
 NOTE # 1852
 Use DSCREEN,AUTO,OFF to disable automatic screening.
 *** ERROR # 2150 ***
 Invalid Volume or Mass Constraint.
 The response type is the total VOLUME. 
 the upper bound value =  2.0000e-01
      the total volume =  7.5000e+05
     the design volume =  7.5000e+05
        the total mass =  5.8875e-03
       the design mass =  5.8875e-03
 The design material fraction (percent) should be at least 3 times
 the DOPTPRM MINDENS (default 0.01).



I am also attaching the file.



  • Payal Pawar_20288
    Payal Pawar_20288
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2024


    Can you let me know what Altair product you are using so that I can direct your query to the proper forum?