Export Pressure Load in Non-Linear Static Analysis

jerometeoh Altair Community Member
edited June 6 in Community Q&A


I have ran a non-linear static analysis.

My load application is outward pressure, and I am specifying my incremental output parameter as TIME set.

Is there a way to know, or what Global Output Request Card I should select to find out which level of increamental output correspond to the level of pressure.

Let says the pressure I define is 20 psi.





Best Answer

  • loistf
    loistf Altair Community Member
    edited June 6 Answer ✓
    Oh, i believe that what you are looking for is NLOUT.


  • loistf
    loistf Altair Community Member
    edited June 1
    I am not sure if i fully understand, but do yo know OLOAD?
  • jerometeoh
    jerometeoh Altair Community Member
    edited June 2
    loistf said:

    I am not sure if i fully understand, but do yo know OLOAD?

    Hi Loisf,

    Thanks for helping. 

    I have try to export OLOAD in my model, and I see now my analysis result have the applied force (mag) and moment. Please explain to me what the countour plot means?

    I am trying to figure out output interval 0.8, what is the pressure exerted on the model inner wall.

    As right now, I am running non-linear static analysis with define 20psi on the model inner wall, and I have specifying to use Hashin failure criterion.

    If I say the failure index pass 1 at 0.8 output interval, can we says that the model is breaking at 0.8*20psi, which is 16psi is the failure pressure for this model?

    Best regards, Jerome.


  • loistf
    loistf Altair Community Member
    edited June 6 Answer ✓
    Oh, i believe that what you are looking for is NLOUT.