Output time step of linear static analysis in Optistruct

I wish to output more data points (intermediate steps) in my linear static analysis. Is that possible? If so, what are the keyword card I should use?
Best Answer
Hello, Jerome
For linear static analysis, this is not possible, since this is not an incremental/iterative analysis. If you need intermediate results, run the same analysis using analysis type nonlinear static (adding NLPARM) and use NLOUT for requesting intermediate points for your output. If necessary, use NLADAPT for controlling the maximum increment.Thank you very much,
Hello, Jerome
For linear static analysis, this is not possible, since this is not an incremental/iterative analysis. If you need intermediate results, run the same analysis using analysis type nonlinear static (adding NLPARM) and use NLOUT for requesting intermediate points for your output. If necessary, use NLADAPT for controlling the maximum increment.Thank you very much,