Where to fin B-H curves vs temperature and frequency

Carl Zinoni
Carl Zinoni Altair Community Member
edited March 2023 in Community Q&A


does anybody know of a book or publication with BH curves vs frequency and temeprature for AISI-410S, AISI-410 (X6Cr13, x12Cr13 ) and grain oriented SiFe? A collection of BH data for other soft magnetic materials would be more than welcome. 





  • Letizia_Ferrara
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2023

    Hello Carl,

    It is not easy to find these data in literature, especially considering the temperature as input parameter that can be easily considered in hard magnetic materials measurements.
    You can normally find the BH curve vs frequency in the catalog of the suppliers of SiFe, as well as, the power losses curve vs B at each frequency.
    For bulk materials like AISI, if you don't find the right properties in literature a magnetic measurement is needed; the magnetic properties can changed due to the material composition and the thermal processes. The companies that provides the instruments to test them, can normally provide this service.

    From the Flux Supervisor, you can find the "Material Manager" at the bottom of the page; it contains a lot of materials that you can directly use in Flux.

    To consider the temperature effect, we have different materials models that you can use in Flux to adjust the BH curve, you can find them in the tab Magnetic Property" available inside the material definition.

    I hope this could help you.

