Problems with negative/large compliance, possibly due to contact

George_21080 New Altair Community Member
edited January 2022 in Community Q&A

I've attempted to create a model which optimizes the tower of a wind turbine subject to the weight of the nacelle, hub and blades. I'm running the sim and getting Error #312 - In static load case 1 the compliance is negative or large 1.30949e+014. Optimization/buckling analysis cannot be performed. due to possible rigid body mode.

The Max xDisp is massive and I've tested the tower by itself and it doesn't have any issues. I believe I've not correctly set up the contact between the hub, nacelle, and tower, but I cannot for the life of me find what I've done wrong. I've attached the file. Any help would be much appreciated. 



  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2022

    Compliance is based on your displacements. When you run an analysis only, how large is the compliance and displacements?

    You mention that MAx DispX is massive. Why is that? We're looking at a static analysis. Is there anything lose in your model?


  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2022

    Compliance is based on your displacements. When you run an analysis only, how large is the compliance and displacements?

    You mention that MAx DispX is massive. Why is that? We're looking at a static analysis. Is there anything lose in your model?


    if the contact is the source of high compliance, you can try running your model and add this 'control card':

    This will not account contact gaps into the compliance computation.
