
hi guys
I have 2 basic question, I would be thankful if you help me out.
1-I recently go the student licence and try to Install hypermesh from the email link, but installation file is hyperworks ??! are they same?
2- how can I import geometry from Catia V5R21 to the hyperworks ?( In the input window list there is no Catia only solidwork and step)
Altair Forum User said:
1-I recently go the student licence and try to Install hypermesh from the email link, but installation file is hyperwork??! are they same?
Yes. HyperWorks desktop contains Hypermesh and other applications
Altair Forum User said:2- how can I import geometry from Catia V5R21 to the hyperwork?( In the input window list there is no Catia only solidwork and step)
The student edition is limited only to IGES, SolidWorks, and STEP format. Catia is supported only in full version