Error 14 & properties

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

I am new at this and am having trouble with 3d meshing and the error 14. When I mesh a simple 3d solid and solve i get the error 14 message saying the elements have invalid properties. Is this due to the type of property i'm using (i.e. PSOLID vs PSHELL, etc)?

It works when i use 3D->Tetramesh->volume and PSOLID properties.

However I want to get it working with 3D->SolidMap->one volume. I get it to generate a mesh (atleast it shows a mesh) which looks fine but then i get the error when solve (RADIOSS). I have tried it with both PSOLID and PSHELL and get the error.

Any help would be GREATLY appriciated.

PS: Does anybody know where I can find info on PSOLID, PSHELL, etc?



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  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2009

    Go to component collector and select Assign sub panel then Choose corresponding collector and property.Then you solve.hope it will work.if it is 3D mesh You must choose cardimage as PSOLID.

    All informations are avilable in help.use search option.

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited November 2011

    ERROR 14: Missing TABLES1/TABLEST # 3 referenced by MATS1 # 1 this is the error i am getting while solving the basic contact analysis in radioss . does anybody help me to solve this problem

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited November 2011

    Hi, for the first question - old one, i hope that you solved it - when you use 3D->SolidMap->one volume, 2 meshes are generated: one shell mesh and one solid mesh, the 2D mesh serves as guide for the 3D mesh. You must delete the shell mesh to make it work.

    For the second question, MATS1 describes a nonlienar material, the requested table is the stress-strain data of your material to compute the plastic portion of the curve. If you dont have this information you can use the 'Work hardening slope' (H) instead. You can find the rules of how to input the curve or calculate H in the Help for Radioss.


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