ERROR 14: Missing property

I am having problems with my 3d mesh in that i keep getting error 14 which i believe has to do with my property card image. My mesh is made from a solid map mesh and I am using psolid as my card image. Is there another card image to use with a solid map mesh?
Hi user,
The property card image for solid element is PSolid. Please make sure that the property is assigned to the component. Also ensure that there are no shell elements in that solid component.
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Altair Forum User said:
My mesh is made from a solid map mesh and I am using psolid as my card image. Is there another card image to use with a solid map mesh?
Can you check if there are any 2D elements in your model?
Since you have 3D elements, PSOLID works. but not sure why you get this property error.
Just to make sure check if there are any 2D elements, if possible paste the entire error message.
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I had a shell element that I didn't notice though the problem still isn't solved. My entire error message is as following:
** OptiStruct 14.0.220 **
** **
** Design and Optimization Software **
** from Altair Engineering, Inc. **
** **
** **
** Windows 8 Workstation (Build 9200) SHAKA **
** 4 CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz **
** CPU speed 3400 MHz **
** 9715 MB RAM, 18764 MB swap **
** **
** Build tag: 0824300_9433140_Ce64RBW8UH12M:119032-000 4000020004001 **
** COPYRIGHT (C) 1996-2016 Altair Engineering, Inc. **
** All Rights Reserved. Copyright notice does not imply publication. **
** Contains trade secrets of Altair Engineering, Inc. **
** Decompilation or disassembly of this software strictly prohibited. **
*** OptiStruct defaults set from:
install config file: Z:\Altair\/hwsolvers/optistruct.cfg.
NOTE # 9199
MSGLMT=STRICT is active, all messages will be printed.
You can suppress some less important warning messages by use of
MSGLMT=BRIEF or UNREF (in config file or in the input data).
*** ERROR 14: Missing property # 1 referenced by CTRIA3 # 14.
*** ERROR 14: Missing property # 1 referenced by CTRIA3 # 3414.
*** More of ERROR messages # 14 were suppressed...
*** Errors with missing, incorrect or duplicate IDs found 451 times.
*** Errors with missing, incorrect or duplicate IDs found 451 times.
MAXIMUM DISK SPACE USED 1 MB************************************************************************
************************************************************************COMPUTE TIME INFORMATION
------------------------EXECUTION STARTED Wed Oct 05 23:04:26 2016
EXECUTION COMPLETED Wed Oct 05 23:04:28 2016
CPU TIME 00:00:01************************************************************************
***** END OF REPORT *****
For Useful OptiStruct Tips and Tricks, go to the URL:
Following warning messages appeared too many times
and were suppressed:
Total of 251 repeat error message(s) were suppressed.
To see more messages use 'MSGLMT' control card in the data or config file.
There were 451 error messages during input processing.
The first message is repeated below:
*** ERROR 14: Missing property # 1 referenced by CTRIA3 # 14.
*** Errors with missing, incorrect or duplicate IDs found 451 times.
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There are CTRIA3 elements (2D elements). Please delete those (if they are not a part of the model) and check again.
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How would I check to see my 2d elements. I deleted the shell element that was left from the solid mesh but I cant another 2d element.
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Use Element by config under(CTRIA3) extended entity selection menu.
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I deleted the 2d elements using your instructions and everything worked.Thank you very much for your help.