Hypermesh - Solid Meshing - Attach Faces to Surface

Hi, this may be a bit of a newbie question, but I have yet to find the correct process to deal with it.
Assume a rectangular solid model L=W=H/2 (ie. twice as tall as it is wide in either direction). Now, intersect the model with a plane, parallel to LxW, at H/2. Now the rectangle will be split into 2 cubes, like a pair of dice stacked with edges aligned.
In the 3D topo view, the solid should be green, with a yellow internal surface.
Now, instead of a general or one volume solid map meshing technique, let's use the line drag. Create a 2D automesh on one of the faces, and then select one of the lines to drag it along.
You should have a solid mesh in half of the rectangular volume.
Now - here's my problem - since the solid elements were dragged along the line, the are not associated with the internal surface (had I used the solid map or one volume method, this would not have occured). Thus, the program does not force continuity between meshes when you mesh the 2nd half of the volume.
Is there a method to attach faces coincident with the internal surface to said surface?
You can use edges on tools to equivelence nodes on any type of element. Best thing to do is to use F10 to fine your minimum element leght. The tolerance should be say 45% of this for 1st order elements and about 22% for 2nd order (assuming your mid side nodes lie at exactly 50% between the corner nodes).
You should find this connects up your mesh.