How to use the Tcl GUI command "hm_callpanel"

Altair Forum User
Altair Employee

I don't know how to use the command 'hm_callpanel' to call a panel such as automesh.
I am making a process by Process Studio, I wrote the following codes as a button's OnClicked script:
proc mesh {} {
hm_callpanel 'automesh'
hm_setpanelproc mesh
but when I clicked the button in hypermesh, an Application Error appeared.
invalid command name 'mesh'
invalid command name 'mesh'
while executing
Does anyone know why? help me!
if u want call automesh panel through hm_call panel you have to use like below
hm_setpanelproc {hm_callpanel 'automesh';}
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123RAMU1506 Thank you very much! I make it as you said.
Your codes are correct, although they are different from what the Help Documents explained.