Question regarding special "file for hole recognition" feature in Parameters setting
I have a question regarding a special Geometry Cleanup setting available in the Parameters file that allows the user to specify the co-ordinates of certain holes that need to be treated in a special manner (i.e. with respect to washer diameter, # of elements etc. that are different from the general holes' settings).
I have a 2D model with several bolt-holes, most of which come under a common setting (no. of elements & washer dias) - but a few need to be treated differently. I have prepared a text file with a list of the special holes' center co-ordinates & I have specified the file path in the Parameters dialog box (under Geometry Cleanup > 'Use file for Hole recognition' > Browse...) and in the immediate below table I have assigned the special settings for the holes & saved the Parameters file.
However, when I submit the model for BatchMeshing, it gives a warning saying the file (i.e. the holes list) is not in correct format & hence the general holes' settings will be applied for all holes.
Can anyone tell me why it is not recognizing the text file? Is there a special format for the holes file that needs to be followed? I tried looking up the BatchMesher Help documentation, and while it does say that the special hole recognition setting exists in BM, it does not mention about what the file format should be like nor could I find any example or tutorial on the same.
Your support in this regard will be greatly appreciated.
I've found the solution to the problem, thanks to the Altair support team:
The holes text file should be saved in CSV format & it should contain a list of the special holes' serial nos. (optional) & their centres' co-ordinates as decimal values separated by commas. For e.g, my 'holes.csv' file would look like the following:
Now BatchMesher recognizes the file format & applies the special holes' settings successfully.
I've requested the Altair Support team to incorporate the above details in the BatchMesher Help Documentation, so that it can be beneficial for other users.